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Join us for all the Christmas and New Years festivities at Gorebridge Parish Church from services starting at advent leading up to Christmas and Hogmanay celebrations.


Advent Events 2024 in December

In addition to our morning worship which be around the theme of “Behold!” here are the other events taking place in and around GPC this Advent:

Christmas Views

Saturday 7th – 7:30pm: St David's Brass Concert 

We are hosting a Christmas Concert in partnership with St David's Brass for seasonal music and not a few carols. Entry by donation with refreshments provided. If you would like to help out on the catering team for the concert please get in contact with Mark or Kevin.


Sunday 8th - 6.30pm: A time of remembrance for those who have been bereaved – a special evening service where we will gather together and remember loved ones.

CRP Carols, Coffee & Cake


Tuesday 10th - 10-11.30am, Community Recyling Project Coffee and Carols: The CRP will be running a Coffee and Carols morning on in the Church. Please join us for a time of worship and fellowship with our team and people from the wider community. There was a wonderful sense of God’s presence at the gathering last year. Please come and join us. There might be a mince pie or two! This will be the last CRP of the year.


CHAS Candlelight Christingle Carols


Sunday 15th – 6.30pm our annual candlelight carol service where we take a food based adventure through the story of Jesus’ arrival on Earth. All proceeds will go to CHAS, the Children’s Hospice Association Scotland: which we have been doing for 20 years!


All-Age Nativity

Sunday 22nd – 10:45am Join us for our all age service as we take part in the joy and of the nativity lead by our youth team.


Christmas Eve & Christmas Day

Tuesday 24th – 11.15pm: Watchnight – see in Christmas Day in worship together here at GPC in one of the most atmospheric services of the year.


Christmas Day – 10.45am – All Age Christmas Celebration. Bring a pressie and Christmas jumper (or any other garb that takes your fancy!) as we celebrate the Jesus’ birth and we behold his wonder!

The Hogmanay Party


Tuesday 31st December 7pm - 1am

See in the New Year in a family friendly gathering as we Ceilidh, eat and play together. No tickets, no charge just bring something to share for the potluck supper. We will provide some drinks but feel free to bring your own if you could drive after drinking it! We will see in the New Year with our Hogmanay Watchnight which was the traditional Watchnight for Scottish churches. We are also looking at games, quizzes and other activities. Family, friends and neighbours are all welcome. See you there!

Happy Thanksgiving Instagram Post (Facebook Post).png


96 Hunterfield Road


EH23 4TT

Service Times



Sunday Service - Time: 10:45 am. Creche, Sunday Club & Youth


The Meeting Place - Time: 6.30pm, 1st Sunday of the month


Copyright © 2021 Gorebridge Parish Church

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